What is Hell?

The Bible describes Hell as a literal place. It is the ultimate punishment for sin. Satan, demons, and sinful people are all sent there to receive their just punishment.

The punishment consist of burning in fire, excruciating physical and psychological pain, and spiritual separation from God. The punishment will last forever, without any hope of redemption or escape.

Every human being deserves to spend eternity in Hell because of their sin. But that is not God's desire. He made a way for sinful people to escape Hell and enjoy Heaven. That "way" is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But for those who reject that good news, there is nothing that will prevent them from experiencing all the terrors of death.

You can find out more about this horrible place in the following passages:
  • Luke 16:19-31
  • 2 Thessolonians 1:7-9
  • Revelation 21:8
  • Matthew 25
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